Saturday, June 15, 2013

Value Of Time (Essey Writing)

We have a short span of life on thus earth. But we have a lot of things to do during this short time. So
we can do a lot of things only when, we make good use of our time. Proper use of time makes a man
happy and prosperous in life. So, we must not neglect or, while away our time in vain. Time once
gone is gone forever. Lost wealth may be regained by hard labour, lost knowledge by studying hard,
lost health by taking proper food and medicine but lost time can never be brought back by any means.

It always goes on its way and waits for none. Only by utilizing every moment of our time perfectly,
we can achieve success in any endeavour. If we leave anything for tomorrow, which we can do today,
there is no guarantee that we shall be able to do it tomorrow. Everything must be done at  its proper
time. Otherwise it may never be done in the future. Days are passing out hastily and we are nearing
our graves. So, present in the best time for us to make good use of. The success and failure in life
depend largely on how we utilize our time. The lives of all great men teach us to be punctual and do
our respective duties in proper time. Anything contrary to it will bring total failure and misery in life.


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